• By German Anitua Azkarate
  • Rating:( 2997 votes )

Another year with a new group of audacious students

Another year and I meet a group of young students full of doubts almost about everything related to their professional careers. However, doubts are part of life, and always will be there in relation to the time of life in which we find ourselves. The best advice I can give to them is to go out there and experiment, discover and have experiences, because are not the years that will give them the experience, but the life experiences instead, and the more cities and countries to visit the greater the opportunities to experiment. This will help them understand the source of their doubts and the way to respond to them and continue the cycle welcoming other questions.
All the best to you all since luck is a factor which in most cases is the result of a well channeled thrust of energy and focused upon to something.
Cheer up!

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